For installers of solar power facilities, residential customers need to be briefed on their case for installing solar power systems and the accompanying deployment of energy storage systems to help them make the right purchase decision for their needs. The following are 5 tips for making users aware of the benefits of energy storage systems.
1.Take advantage of market trends
Anyone interested in deploying energy storage systems will have seen the explosive growth of this market in recent years. Over the past 10 years, lithium-ion battery production has grown dramatically, making energy storage systems more common in residential and commercial applications.
However, the supply chain issues caused by the new crown epidemic may cause concern for potential users. Despite a temporary setback, the U.S. energy storage market grew in the fourth quarter of 2022, making it the best year of growth to date, according to data released by American Clean Energy. Installers should view this trend as an opportunity to educate residential customers about the deployment of energy storage systems and strengthen their confidence in their decision to deploy residential battery storage systems. For a growing number of customers, the question is not “if” they will deploy, but “when” they will deploy.
2.Introduce the benefits brought by the energy storage system
Installers need to emphasize to residential customers that energy storage systems offer many benefits. As seen in places like California, grid operations can sometimes be unreliable due to a variety of factors, including high temperatures, excessive energy consumption, and other natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires. The use of battery storage systems not only reduces dependence on the grid, but also allows residential customers to store energy for later use, which is especially useful when power outages last for extended periods of time.
Residential customers should also be aware that battery storage systems not only provide power in emergencies, but also reduce daily electricity bills. Residential customers can specify when, where and how energy is used. It is especially important to emphasize that battery storage systems can store energy for use during peak periods when electricity prices are at their highest.
If sustainability is a top priority for residential customers, it is important to emphasize that battery storage systems can store electricity from clean energy sources. Doing so can help residential customers make informed decisions that benefit both their personal needs and environmental policyholders, so they can feel good about their decisions because they feel they can do their part to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.
3.Emphasis on existing financial incentives
Many U.S. states have implemented or are in the process of implementing incentives related to energy storage deployment, such as New Jersey and Massachusetts. New York State recently released a roadmap to deploy 6GW of energy storage systems by 2030, which will allow the state’s existing incentives in the retail market space to continue into the future.
The U.S. passed the Disinflation Act in August 2022, which provides an opportunity for residential customers to receive a 30% tax credit for deploying eligible energy storage projects when they submit an application to the IRS. While the tax credit for residential battery energy storage systems is currently uncapped, additional incentives may be offered at the state and federal level in the U.S. in the coming years as current market demand grows.
Helping residential customers understand the incentives is another valuable service installers can provide. For example, California has long been considered the leading state in the U.S. for adopting clean energy solutions, yet in December 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission passed a proposal that significantly reduces the potential cost of installing solar power systems. And in California, nearly all solar power facilities are accompanied by the deployment of battery storage systems.
When communicating with customers, installers must emphasize the ongoing savings they can achieve with a battery storage system. It is also important to make sure that the quote provided gives them within their budget. Platforms like EnergySage offer free and detailed advice to residential customers on the installation of renewable energy facilities.
Residential customers can also get quotes directly from the battery storage system manufacturer’s website. Over time, those who install battery storage systems will save even more money.
When communicating with users, there are three key points that need to be worked on to communicate – ease of installation, ease of use, and ease of visualization. Some battery storage systems can be easily installed and deployed in conjunction with existing solar power facilities, or can be connected directly to the grid. Deployed energy storage systems are cleaner, quieter and more aesthetically pleasing than fossil fuel or diesel generators.