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This is the most common question asked by many. To find the answer to this question, let’s discuss the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources first. So,

What is Renewable energy?

Renewable energy resources are those resources that cannot be used or utilized completely even after continuous use. OR you can say the resources that can be replenished again quickly. 

Sources of Renewable energy

  • Wind
  • Sun 
  • Biomass
  • Hydro
  • Solar
  • Geothermal 

What is Non-Renewable energy?

Whereas on the other side, non-renewable energy sources are those sources that cannot be replenished again immediately once used. 

Sources of non-Renewable energy

  • Coal 
  • Oil
  • Natural gas
  • Nuclear energy 

After getting the basic knowledge, you can tell now: is solar energy renewable or non-renewable?

The answer is YES!

But have you ever thought, why is solar a renewable resource?

This is because solar energy is a form of energy provided by the sun in the form of thermal energy. This thermal energy is collected through solar panels made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells that convert that thermal energy of sunlight into electricity. The sun is the source of renewable energy that cannot be drained completely, unlike fossil fuels. 

Solar energy has been used for thousands of years now; the first solar cell was invented in the 1800s by Alexandre Becquerellar. Later on, the first solar rooftop was introduced by Charles Fritts. Today at least 92.7 billion solar panels are used worldwide to grow crops, dry foods, run power devices, or heat homes in cold weather. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), “the energy that falls on the Earth in one hour can be used one year.” 

Benefits of Solar energy

Why is solar energy widely used everywhere?

Because solar energy is also known as green energy, now you might be thinking about what is meant by green energy?

The terms are interchangeable but have a slight difference. Green energy is a form of electricity that generates less carbon dioxide. 

Sources of green electricity 

  • Geothermal energy
  • Solar energy
  • Wind energy
  • Hydro energy 
  • Biomass energy 

You can see that solar energy is one of the sources of green electricity because it does not harm the environment, they emit less carbon dioxide than fossil fuels. A solar system produces 40 g of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour(kWh). In contrast, the coal power plant produces 1000g of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour(kWh). This means lower the amount of carbon dioxide lowers the emission of greenhouse gases. Other benefits are

  • Help you reduce the cost of your bill
  • Comes in a wide range of solar products
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Clean and non-polluting
  • Efficient

How does solar energy work?

Solar energy requires the installation of solar panels on the roof so that the maximum energy can be converted to electricity.

The solar panels are made up of silicon cells sealed in a glass case with a protective layer to prevent heat dissipation. When the rays hit the glass, it causes electrons to create a motion which creates an electric current. It also contains a set of wore that transport that current to your devices. 


Q1. Why is the sun renewable but oil is non-renewable?

Ans. Sun is renewable because it can be replenished naturally even after continuous use, whereas oil is non-renewable because it is limited in supply and cannot be replenished naturally. 

Q2. Is the sun renewable or non-renewable?

Ans. Sun is a renewable source of energy because it has been in existence for 4.6 billion years since the existence of the human species and will always be available to us dependently.

Q3. Is solar energy renewable, non-renewable, or inexhaustible? 

Ans. Solar energy is an inexhaustible source of renewable energy powered by the sun.

Q4. Which renewable source of energy produces solar energy?

Ans. The heat from the sun produces solar energy. 

Q5. What are the types of solar energy?

Ans. Generally, there are two types of solar energy 

  • Photovoltaic solar technology, known as solar panels, directly converts sunlight into electricity.
  • Solar thermal technology collects the sun’s heat. 


Solar energy is a great environment-friendly method of generating power that emits less carbon dioxide. The new technology smartly meets the future generation’s needs by keeping the environment healthy. 

So, if you are interested in solar but not sure where to start? We’ll help you take the first step. We are one of the established solar energy consultants and hardware manufacturers that extensively design equipment based on solar energy- for all kinds of industries and residential sites. Get in touch with us via email at info@anygap-renewable.com.

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