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How to give a comprehensive inspection of PV plants?

PV plants

PV plants A high-performance power plant requires not only the right design and excellent construction quality, but also a high level of post-production, O&M and other services. Correct O&M can not only improve power generation, but also improve equipment and power plant life. The items and contents of the usual inspection can be referred to the following:

1: Regularly check the cleanliness of the PV module surface, and clean up in time if serious dust, bird droppings or weeds and other shading are found. The primary problem affecting the power generation of photovoltaic power plant is the cleanliness of the module surface, especially in areas with less rain and more sand, the impact of dust shading on the annual power generation is generally around 5% to 10%.

2: To regularly check the photovoltaic power generation array, to ensure that each photovoltaic module cover glass is not broken, the border is intact. Fixed pressure block and bolt tight, junction box temperature rise is normal, no bulging, no heat discoloration no melting deformation, burning and other problems, junction box bypass diode work and temperature rise is normal. For broken and faulty components to be replaced in a timely manner to avoid causing greater failure and harm.

3: Regular inspection of photovoltaic string connector wiring good contact, power station internal cable, junction box, connector plug, various switches, fuse (tube) no abnormal temperature rise.

  The circuit cable is intact, no short-circuit break phenomenon, no cracking, breaking and aging of the external insulation of the cable chalking phenomenon, rodent-infested areas should pay special attention to the cable exposed outside the ground is not damaged by rodent gnawing. The temperature rise at the MC4 connection joint of the PV module string is normal, and there is no trace of ablation at the plug connector, and there are no problems such as poor contact.

PV plants

4: Regularly check the operation of inverter, sink box, switchgear and other equipment to ensure that the equipment is running normally, no abnormal temperature rise and noise, the cooling fan is running normally, no serious dust accumulation in the ventilation filter and fan blade.

  Check whether the circuit breakers in the sink box and DC cabinet are normal, and whether the wiring is loose, hot and discolored. Check whether there is any heat in the input terminal wiring of string inverter. Observe the automatic start-stop status of the inverter, whether the operating parameters of the inverter are set correctly, and whether the inverter operation indicator display and sound are normal.

5: Regularly check the photovoltaic array foundation, bracket intact, clips, pressure block has no loose and fracture phenomenon.

  Ensure that the concrete foundation is intact, concrete foundation without pulverization, sinking and other phenomena, steel bracket and foundation without serious rust, when encountering windy weather warning, should focus on inspection and maintenance of the panels and brackets to ensure the safety and stability of the array. The reinforcement bolts are tight, no rust, shedding and loosening phenomenon; PV module fixed pressure block or bolt is intact, no loosening phenomenon, metal spiral pile or metal direct buried pile underground part no serious rust corrosion problem.

6: All cables and connectors, inverters, sink boxes, distribution boxes and other electrical appliances should be checked for good waterproof sealing after heavy rain, for water leakage and flood hazards and other problems, to discover and count the disaster situation and maintain them in time. The surface of the battery panel should be inspected with emphasis after hailstorm, and the broken components should be replaced in time.

7: Regularly monitor the operating status of modules and module strings, observe the normal operating voltage on the DC side of the inverter and the current on each DC branch to ensure normal output power. Regularly spot-check or full-check the PV module IV output characteristics for hot spots, hidden cracks, discoloration of internal weld lines and broken wires, etc., and repair or replace faulty modules.

8: Daily inspection of the station booster transformer appearance clean and undamaged, no debris around the site, transformer oil level is normal, pressure release valve intact, pressure gauge indication in the normal range, if the pressure is too high, it is necessary to drain the pressure.

  Check whether the transformer has oil leakage, oil seepage phenomenon, transformer oil temperature is normal, check whether the box-type transformer measurement and control device is running normally. Check whether the three-phase voltage and current on the low-voltage side of the box-type transformer are balanced.

  Check the box-type transformer internal joints, wiring contact and insulation good temperature rise is normal, the electrical switches work normally, no odor or heat discoloration phenomenon, transformers and other equipment sound no abnormal, check the box-type transformer indoor there is no water, condensation, door lock is intact, box-type transformer internal electrical and shell grounding connection complete good.

9: Observe and record the attenuation of PV modules. Due to the uneven light attenuation of PV modules, shade hot spot, PID attenuation, etc., the performance of PV modules will be attenuated after 3-5 years of operation of a PV power station, usually this attenuation is uneven, and the difference in power generation performance between modules will gradually widen.

  Usually after 5 years of operation this deviation can reach -5% to -10%, when these components form a component string, it will lead to more serious short board effect, the overall power generation performance will be affected by the worst one component performance in the string and lose 10% of power generation.

  To regularly sample the performance of photovoltaic modules in the photovoltaic power plant, to conduct a comprehensive inspection, the glass is broken, serious deterioration in performance and other serious problems of the components should be replaced in a timely manner.

  Can also be taken to re-group, the installation of the elimination of PID circuit, etc. to solve the solution to solve the problem of uneven attenuation of each string components caused by the difference.

10: Regularly check that the power station fence and related warning signs at are intact to prevent idle people and animals from entering the power station and damaging the panels. To observe and record the daily, monthly and annual power generation.

  The problems inspected should be dealt with, analyzed and summarized in time. Detailed records should be filed for each inspection, including problems, analysis of problem causes, treatment methods, elimination results, legacy problems, etc., for future analysis and treatment.

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